15+ Times People Witnessed Real Masterpieces When They Least Expected It
Rephrasing John Muir, on every walk within our universe one receives far more than they seek. And sometimes, our findings go far beyond any expectations. They make us all stop for a moment, forget about everything, and just admire the beauty we happen to see with our own eyes. And it doesn’t matter whether it was all man-made or created by nature. There’s always enough room for the surprise and amusement they are all eager to give us.
John Muir
Bright Side found some bewildering pieces of pure art that delighted people so much they wanted to share these lovely images with the whole world.
1. Frozen waves on a lake
© tonsofun44 / reddit
2. “Pants Valley, Notaroad”
© katscrafts / reddit
3. This tree painted the wall in a marvelous pattern.
© C-3POhh / reddit
4. “Inside a Fazioli Grand Piano.”
© CharlesBrooks / reddit
5. “The way these bubbles formed.”
© _I_dont_know_that_ / reddit
6. “How this old sticker has deteriorated in the sun”
© BreadKnife34 / reddit
7. “My surgeon’s office has a Knotty Door.”
© aoravetz / reddit
8. “This nursing home dyes the water and leaves it on during the winter.”
© pawkair / reddit
9. “This squash looks like it has digital camouflage.”
© Digitalanthill / reddit
10. “Perfectly spherical droplet of medicine in my Hospital Aquarium.”
© PokeExpress / reddit
11. “This is a saltwater coral.”
© SomeGuyWhoSaid / reddit
12. “This artwork outside our local hospital looks like they turned a doctor’s signature into a sculpture.”
© phelyan / reddit
13. “Water freezing at the shore in Calgary”
© bloodless123 / reddit
14. “The way the snow settled on this path”
© imapieceofcr*** / reddit
15. “The way this metal box rusted as the paint fell off over time.”
© allhailknightsolaire / reddit
16. “My can of expanding foam sprung a leak.”
© IsTim / reddit
17. “The way the frost formed this morning.”
© PrincessLex92 / reddit
18. “A couple of years ago I made these Bismuth crystals in a bowl on my stove.”
© QuarterlyTurtle / reddit
19. “The railings at my apartment make this really cool shadow.”
© Bananab***5 / reddit
Have you ever encountered any remarkable things that made you stop and quickly reach for your cell phone? Please share your stories and photos in the comments below.
tonsofun44 / reddit